Rehab Services
Southeast Health’s Rehab Services provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient therapy that includes:
- Physical
- Speech
- Occupational
These services are for patients who have disabilities due to an accident or injury, stroke, amputation or illness. Our team-oriented approach helps patients recover and return to their daily work and leisure activities as quickly and safely as possible.
Southeast Health Circle East Rehab
1480 Ross Clark Circle
Dothan, AL 36301
334-712-3726, office
334-712-3553, fax
Hours: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
We offer an intensive, acute inpatient rehabilitation program to help patients return to independent living at home. Inpatient rehabilitation requires the coordinated efforts of physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech therapists. It also includes 24-hour coverage by clinical staff skilled in medical rehabilitation.
The inpatient rehab team helps you establish goals for independent living including improved mobility, self-care and speech skills. Weekly team conferences are held to share progress and concerns as well as update treatment goals. In addition, patient and family caregiver education is provided on an ongoing basis. The therapy team also assists in providing information for appropriate transition of care for continued therapy services after a hospital stay.
The NeuroBalance Program is the only service of its kind in our region. Our program includes education, specialized rehabilitation and wellness programs for persons with neuromuscular disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury and for individuals who are susceptible to falls.
Our rehabilitation therapy programs increase mobility, balance and strength, which lead to improved independence and a better quality of life. Specially trained and certified therapists create an individualized plan and work one-on-one with each patient. Therapies include physical, occupational, speech and aquatic.
Our facility provides patients a safe, controlled environment to exercise with a highly-trained staff. We use state-of-the-art equipment such as body weight supported treadmill systems, Biodex balance training, BSDI fitness assessment and training, and the GAITRite® training system for walking.
Our wellness program is an exercise program that offers an individualized initial assessment by a wellness specialist. Each person works with a fitness specialist to establish an exercise and wellness program tailored to the individual.
We offer educational programs throughout the year on topics such as nutrition, medical management, home safety and fall prevention.
Our research within our NeuroBalance Program suggests that Parkinson’s disease patients who participate in a specialized rehabilitation and wellness program demonstrate significant improvements in gait speed, balance measures, balance confidence, functional mobility, fine motor skills and quality of life. Our research on this topic was published in the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease in September 2013 and presented at the 2013 World Parkinson Congress, an international research conference in Montreal, Canada.
For more information on our NeuroBalance Program, please call 334-712-3726.
The goal of occupational therapy is to use creative and innovative methods to provide inpatients and outpatients with the care they need to return to a maximum level of independence as quickly as possible.
Our occupational therapy department offers the most comprehensive array of therapy services in the region. In addition to providing care to those in need of therapy for daily living skills, we provide specially designed treatment for conditions related to strokes, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, fractures, amputations, joint replacements, rotator cuff injuries, tendon and nerve injuries, burns, upper extremity wounds, carpal tunnel syndrome, medial and lateral epicondylitis, arthritis, development delays, congenital deformities, sensory deficits, chronic pain disorders, and Down syndrome.
Available services include:
- Retraining upper extremity coordination, dexterity, strength, range of motion
- Fabrication and monitoring of custom made splints
- Instruction in activities of daily living
- Instruction in the use of adaptive equipment
- Retraining in cognitive and perceptual tasks
- Assessment of and intervention in development delays of the pediatric patient
- Assessment and treatment of handwriting problems
- Evaluation, treatment and education for lymphedema management
- Neuro re-education
- Low vision rehab
- Pediatrics
- Hand splinting and wound care
- Orthopedic rehab
- Total joint education
- Joint protection and energy conservation for the arthritic patient
For more information about our Occupational Therapy Department and the services we provide, please call 334-793-8161.
To address osteoporosis (a disease primarily affecting older women in which bones become fragile and more likely to break), we have developed an Osteoporosis Care Program at Rehab Services. Guided by research from the National Osteoporosis Foundation, our program assists individuals in coping with and preventing progression of bone disease.
Our program provides education and exercise classes specifically designed for the four different stages of the disease. Our program includes:
- Evaluation of posture, strength, flexibility
- Proper exercise instruction
- Balance training (including how to prevent falls)
- Prevention of future musculoskeletal problems
Admission to the program is by physician referral. For more information, contact your physician or the Southeast Health Osteoporosis Care Program at 334-712-3726.
We offer a variety of outpatient rehabilitation services performed by:
- Physical therapists
- Occupational therapists
- Speech therapists
- Fitness specialists
Rehab services include rehabilitation for neurological and orthopedic problems, pediatrics, lymphedema care, low vision, ADL retraining, urinary incontinence, functional capacity evaluations, vestibular disorders, pain management, bariatric wellness, arthritis, swallowing, feeding and cognitive re-training.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Southeast Health Circle East Rehab at 334-712-3726.
Our physical therapists evaluate each patient prior to beginning therapy. This assesses your range of motion, strength, muscle imbalance and joint restriction. It also provides information that is the basis for creating the optimal treatment plan. Therapists also provide you with instruction for home exercise programs designed to help further recovery and provide long-term physical benefits.
As a continued commitment to patients, we offer aquatics therapy, rebuilder therapy, and balance therapy. Balance therapy allows you to utilize the latest physical therapy technology and equipment – including a Biodex Gait Trainer Treadmill, and the Biodex Balance System.
The Biodex machines assess – and condition – patient gait and balance. They support our therapists’ goal to provide patients the best therapy and care available.
Our therapists treat:
- Orthopedic injuries/problems
- Work performance/work dardening
- Back and neck pain
- Sports medicine related injuries
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic pain
- Osteoporosis
- Neuropathy
- Neurological disorders
- Vestibular/balance
- Bladder/pelvic floor dysfunction
- Incontinence
- Bariatric program
- Pediatrics
- Pregnancy pain
- Disability services
- Muscle sprains & strains
- Post-motor vehicle accident injuries
- Arthritic pain
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
Our physical therapy staff includes:
- Physical Therapists
- Physical Therapy Assistants
- Physical Therapy Technicians
Physician referrals are required. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 334-712-3726.
Post-mastectomy lymphedema can occur in the arms and legs. It is a condition of localized fluid retention and tissue swelling produced by the body’s lymphatic system to fight infection. If the lymph vessels that carry the fluid are missing, impaired, damaged or removed, an abnormal amount of fluid can collect in the tissues of the affected area, causing the tissue to swell and become abnormally large. It interferes with wound healing and provides and environment for bacteria to grow, which can result in an infection if left untreated. The most effective treatment for lymphedema is complete decongestive therapy which we offer through our certified lymphedema therapists. This is a non-invasive, painless technique consisting of manual lymph drainage, exercise, compressive therapy and skin care.
Speech-language pathology is the study and treatment of human communication and its disorders. Our speech-language pathologists work with the full range of human communication to evaluate, diagnose and treat speech, language and swallowing disorders in individuals of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Speech, language and swallowing disorders can result from a variety of causes such as a stroke, brain injury, hearing loss, developmental delay, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, head and neck cancer, congenital deformities such as cleft palates, autism and Down syndrome.
We offer the following Speech-Language programs:
- Feeding/swallowing problems
- Stuttering/fluency disorders
- Voice disorders
- Articulation disorders
- Language disorders
- Cognitive-linguistic disorders
- Swallowing therapy
- Aphasia following a stroke
- Apraxia/Dysarthria of speech following neurological trauma
- Cognitive-linguistic rehabilitation
- Voice disorders
- Stuttering/fluency disorders
Other programs:
- Modified barium swallow studies to identify swallowing problems and assist with planning treatment.
- Multidisciplinary approach for traumatic brain injury, stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
You will need a prescription or referral from your physician to take advantage of Southeast Health Rehab Services. You or your physician’s office can call to schedule an evaluation. Following the evaluation, a therapist will discuss the results and recommendations with you and also communicate the results to your physician.
The purpose of the initial evaluation is to determine the most appropriate course of care to meet your specific needs.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call Southeast Health Circle East Rehab at 334-712-3726.