Employee Injury

If an employee is injured on the job or have a job- related illness, the following guidelines must be followed.

  1. The employee will notify the Employee’s Supervisor.
  2. The employee and the supervisor will call the 24/7 nurse line and press option 1.
  3. Based on the call outcome the employee will either self-care or facility visit. (Facility visit is for more substantial injuries. Nurse will refer to OccMed solutions to receive hands on treatment).
  4. The employee will go to the Southeast Health Emergency Department if the injury is urgent/life threatening.

NOTE: If the employee goes to the Southeast Health Emergency Department, they should call the nurse 24/7 line as soon as possible.

  1. The employee must contact OccMed within 24 hours of injury.
  2. It is the responsibility of the EMPLOYEE to tell the supervisor about any work restrictions and/or modifications.
  3. Employees should NOT go to their personal health care provider.
  4. Those who do not follow these instructions may lose the benefits for Workers’ Compensation.

Airborne Pathogen Exposure

  • For confirmed cases of TB that were not identified on admission therefore not placed on airborne isolation, Infection Prevention will notify all areas that had contact with the patient and the Director of those areas will inform the exposed employees and complete the TB exposure Jotform, located on the inside SEH page.
  • This page is accessed under the Employee Resources tab-Employee injury and exposure tab.
  • Exposed employees will report to Employee Health and Wellness. Employee Health and Wellness will collect an initial Quantiferon Gold and place the employee on the schedule to return in 8 weeks for a second test.
  • If you are a credentialed but non-employed provider or staff member, you will need to be added to the JotForm by the Director of the department in which you were exposed. You may receive treatment at GME.
  • For data reporting and tracking purposes, Infection Prevention has an Epic report that shows the number of exposed employees and the number that converted after exposure (for annual regulatory purposes), and Employee Health and Wellness will have access to all exposed employees per the jot form as well as Employee Health and Wellness.

Needlestick Procedure

  • The Bloodborne pathogen exposure packet and report of injury should be printed and completed. Orders for testing of source patient as well as the exposed employee should be obtained and sent to lab.
  • Employee and their supervisor call the Nurse 24/7 line (option 2) for medical evaluation and treatment.
  • Employee will report to Employee Health and Wellness during regular business hours or to Laboratory Medicine at all other times with the completed exposure packet.
  • Laboratory Medicine will draw appropriate labs on employee and report results to Employee Health and Wellness.

Form PDFs: