Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab

Southeast Health offers Cardiac Rehabilitation and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, physician-prescribed therapy programs specifically designed with the individual patient in mind.

Cardiac Rehab helps enhance a speedy recovery for patients who have recently had a heart attack, stent placement, or heart surgery, including coronary artery bypass surgery and heart valve surgery.

Our Pulmonary Rehab team offers this life-enhancing program to patients who live with chronic lung disease such as COPD, pulmonary hypertension, bronchiectasis and other pulmonary/respiratory diseases.

Our Cardiac Rehabilitation program is a physician-prescribed therapy program that is specifically designed with the individual patient in mind.  It helps enhance a speedy recovery for patients who have recently had a heart attack, stent placement, or heart surgery, including coronary artery bypass surgery and heart valve surgery. The goals for our patients include:

  • Improvement in cardiovascular health
  • Increase in daily activity and exercise ability
  • Improvement in quality of life
  • Support throughout the recovery process

Our team includes cardiologists, registered nurses, a registered respiratory therapist, and a registered and licensed dietitian. Cardiac Rehab uses structured, progressive exercise to strengthen the heart muscle. Our patients are monitored using telemetry, which gives real-time ECG readings at rest and during exercise. Blood pressure is also monitored at rest and during exercise. These readings are used to help guide the doctors and nurses in your continued care and progress throughout your recovery.

Through education provided in Cardiac Rehab by our dietitian and our nursing staff, our patients learn healthy lifestyle changes to decrease further risk of heart problems.

Southeast Health offers Pulmonary Rehabilitation, a physician-prescribed therapy program that includes exercise training, health education, and breathing techniques for those with certain lung conditions. Southeast Health’s Pulmonary Rehab team offers this life-enhancing program to patients who live with chronic lung disease such as:

  • COPD
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Other pulmonary/respiratory diseases

This program is offered to qualified patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays and includes 30-45 minutes of tailored exercise to the individual’s needs. Classroom topics include oxygen, pulse oximeters, dietary modifications, etc. Pulmonary Rehab’s goal is to help each patient have a better quality of life and teach them how to adapt to accomplish their goals.

For more information, call Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab at 334-793-8025. A physician referral is required to be eligible for the program.